Are you living by Kingdom protocol?

Are you living by Kingdom protocol? By Choco De’ Jesus, Op-ed Contributor for Christian Post

A few years ago, I was invited to meet with the king of Burkina Faso in Africa. I was given instructions that outlined the protocol for people who meet with him. I was instructed how to enter the presence of the king, where to stand, how to sit, how to speak, and how to leave the room. I listened intently because I didn’t want any drama—and I wanted to make sure I got back home! But mostly, I wanted to honor the king.

Christians in our country have two protocols: secular and spiritual. The American secular directives are to get everything you can and pursue financial security, fame, and fun. Another set of secular instructions is to live for a political ideology, one that champions the values and rights you hold dear. Many Christians in America are fiercely dedicated to both parts of the secular protocol.

The protocol of the Kingdom of heaven is quite the opposite: consider others as more important than yourself, give sacrificially and generously, lose your life to find it, and be a good ambassador to the people of the other kingdom.

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The Pharisees had all the outward trappings of living by a kingdom protocol, but closer inspection shows that they were far more committed to their own power and prestige than to the Kingdom Jesus was inaugurating. We saw Jesus reach out to them in His parable of the prodigal son, inviting them to join Him and the repentant sinners at the feast of salvation, but they ridiculed Him instead. In a series of statements in Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus held a mirror in front of them and showed them how far they were from the heart of God. Seven times, Jesus called them hypocrites because they claimed godliness but practiced selfishness. For instance, He told them:

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